While carrying out its activity, Quesería Menorquina seeks a balance between business goals and commitment to its customers, consumers and employees, as well as the environment. In order to ensure responsible practices in this sense, it is a member of two international organizations:
SEDEX (Supplier Ethical Data Exchange): This non-profit organization provides member companies with a secure web-based platform for storing and sharing information on four key pillars: health and safety, labour standards, business integrity and the environment.
Sedex is not a standard setting body and does not approve or certify any policies or standards.
However, becoming a member of Sedex is a sign of Quesería Menorquina’s willingness to share information and to use this information to help manage and improve ethical standards within the supply chain.
ECOVADIS: With the aim to facilitate the integration of Sustainability criteria in Customer/Supplier relationships, EcoVadis develops “Suppliers CSR Ratings”, which help organizations manage risks and foster Eco-innovations.
The score obtained by Quesería Menorquina in this rating places the company among the 30% best rated by EcoVadis, and has allowed it to receive a “Silver” level recognition.